WMU Women's Ministries

  WMU (Women’s Missionary Union) is a missions ministry at Southside that encourages and provides opportunities for all church members as well as others to be involved in both local and global missions. WMU cooperates with other missions ministries within our church and community to help spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world by encouraging people to do the following:

Pray for Missions
  To pray for missions means to communicate with God on behalf of missions work, people involved in missions work, and people that need to know and accept God’s redeeming love.

Engage in Mission Action and Witnessing
  The teaching and actions of Jesus recorded in the New Testament show us that the Christian faith is not stagnant but active and participatory.

Learn About Missions
  Learning about missions helps believers better understand what God says about making His name known throughout the earth.

Support Missions
  Christians have a part in upholding the cause of missions, maintaining missions work, and encouraging missions personnel.

Develop Spiritually Toward a Missions Lifestyle
  For the believer, spiritual development involves growing in our relationship with Jesus Christ. It involves day-to-day living that applies and carries out the missions imperatives of God’s Word.

Participate in the Work of the Church and Denomination
  As a missions ministry within a congregation, WMU encourages and provides opportunities for all church members and other participants to be aware of and involved in missions and cooperates with other missions ministries within the congregation to help the congregation fulfill its missions potential.

  WMU meets every second Tuesday of each month at 10:00 am. Some of our activities during the year include the following:

1. Regular meetings include special prayer time for missions, missionaries’ reports, and mission study. We talk through our current mission projects, and review opportunities to serve in our local community. Meetings usually last 1 ½ hours.

2. In February we participate in WMU’s Focus Week Luncheon. This is held at different churches and includes a meal and a speaker.

3. March is the month for the Annie Armstrong Missions Offering for Home Missions. We set a goal for this offering and collect it during the Month of March.

4. In May our WMU makes available baby bottles on Mother’s Day to be filled with pennies and returned on Father’s Day. The bottles are given to the Greensboro Pregnancy Crisis Center. We collect about 50 bottles each year.

5. In August our WMU hold our annual Christmas in August Banquet. This is always a festive occasion for our church. The ladies in the church volunteer to decorate a table and invite ladies to sit at them. We do a mission project each year such as collecting items for Anchor House in Palmetto, FL. This event includes a special speaker and a wonderful meal. The men in the church volunteer to serve the ladies to make this a special evening.

6. November is the annual Baptist World Day of Prayer. This event is held each year at a different church. There is a speaker and we are asked to take items for the mission project for the year. We participate in projects like collecting toothpaste for Women’s Prison in Raleigh, NC.

7. In December we collect money for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering to help with world missions.

  It is the vision and desire of the WMU at Southside to see every believer envolved in missions at home and around the world.
For more information visit www.wmu.com